Sunday, June 14, 2009

Student Interviews

The final days of the course at An-Najah were filled with individual student interviews - all twelve of them! At first it was frustrating to get the information we needed about their personal lives and inspiration for their stories. Culturally, they are not accustomed to speaking openly about these things or any difficult experiences they incure with the occupation. In the West Bank, you will never see a sign for a therapy centre or psychologist, only tight nit communties that rely on eachother for support. However, after explaining the purpose of the interview and how their biography will be featured after their story in the book, dialogue was flowing. I was shocked to hear some of the personal accounts, especially my student from Qalqilya, a small town on the edge of the West Bank that is fully encircled by the Occupation Wall. Her life is filled with termoil but yet she makes it to school with a smile on her face, knowing that this is the best way to liberate her people, through hard work and determination. Despite the internal Hamas-Fatah fighting and gate closures, she made it to most classes and completed the project. Her story is about the emotions of being subjected to a divided society and effects of fighting, instabiity and war. It truly is moving. The book will feature information about each of their issues and also a personal account of living in the West Bank.

Here are just a few examples of their work.

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